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Gregory Suicide

The Sea Beyond the Waves

Written by Eric Grissom, Art by Will Perkins

144 Page Hardcover

Obsolete AI program Gregory wakes in a newly cloned body to a world now unfamiliar to him and is haunted by the memories of his past lives, each one ending in death by his own hand. On the path to discovering the truth about himself, Gregory slips into the trenches of two opposing forces who want to exploit him. In the end, he must take down an AI revolution before it wipes out humanity, and the key to doing so may only lie in the strange visions he has between life and death.

Praise for Gregory Suicide

…a surprisingly poetic artificial intelligence…

DoomRocket Staff Pick

…grabs your attention from the moment you read that confrontational title.

Impulse Gamer

…a sci-fi story that entertains and challenges…

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